Hands On Healing

Chronic Pain


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Hands On Healing

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a persistent and often debilitating condition that can affect any part of the body. It results from inflammation that remains trapped in the tissues, leading to tight, rigid, and restricted areas. These restrictions hinder vascular flow, preventing adequate blood flow from addressing the underlying inflammation.

Whether the pain manifests in the back, joints, or other areas, it often stems from inflammation in veins, arteries, nerves, or muscular tissues.


A woman came to see me suffering from mid and low back pain, which had persisted since she received an epidural during childbirth. Upon evaluating her condition, I discovered that the source of her pain was not in her back but in the very top of her spine—her neck. The tissues in this area were the most restricted, and addressing them became the priority.


Using Counterstrain therapy, I focused on releasing the restrictions in her neck, specifically targeting veins, nerves, and ligaments at her top three vertebrae. Counterstrain is a gentle, hands-on technique that works by releasing tension in the body’s tissues, layer by layer, according to the body’s highest priority. As each layer of restriction is addressed, the chronic pain begins to diminish.


After just one session, the woman’s mid and low back pain disappeared. Remarkably, ten days later, her pain had not returned, demonstrating the lasting effectiveness of Counterstrain therapy. This case highlights how targeting the root cause of dysfunction, even in areas seemingly unrelated to the site of pain, can lead to profound and lasting relief.

How Counterstrain Helps with Chronic Pain:

Inflammation Reduction: Counterstrain therapy targets and releases the restricted tissues that harbor inflammation, allowing the body to heal naturally.

Vascular Health: By improving blood flow through the release of restrictions in veins and arteries, Counterstrain aids in reducing inflammation and promoting recovery.

Holistic Approach: Counterstrain treats chronic pain by addressing the body as a whole, finding and releasing the most significant restrictions, no matter where they are located.

If you or someone you know is struggling with chronic pain, consider exploring Counterstrain therapy as a holistic, research-backed approach to relief and recovery.